Account List Management - Account Executives


Having an accurate, and actionable, account list available in Matrix will be a first step in targeting your revenue goals, and having this list available in Matrix will ensure account history and info are always easily available from any Internet connection.

Understanding Accounts in Matrix

Accounts are your building blocks, and Matrix wants to give you all the tools necessary to manage, track, and forecast the business associated with both new and old accounts.

The Account List

  • Use the list features to pull up the assigned accounts you wish to see, or check out the Master List when you’re looking to call on someone new.

The Account Profile Page

  • All the details you need to know about your accounts in a one-stop-shop.  You’re never without the pertinent info that will help you sell.

Requesting Account Reassignments

  • You no longer have to worry about cold calling an existing account!  Check the Master List to see if the account you’d like to call on has previous history, and request an account reassignment from your manager. You can hit the ground running since the account’s historical details travel with its assignment.

Notice any Duplicates?

  • Account names need to match Exactly in Matrix, or the system will creates them separately.

            - Let your Manager know if a duplicate account needs merged, or submit the request to us by navigating to Support -> Knowledgebase -> Submit a ticket, and we’ll take care of that for you.

Working with New Accounts

Matrix is actively pushing billed accounts from your traffic system, but it’s equally as important to add new accounts that are being worked on.

Entering New Accounts

  • Prospects - If new accounts are entered as Prospects, AEs can start forecasting business that they are working on with that accounts without manager approval.
  • Leads – If your organization is utilizing Leads to manage new account additions an AE must first have an Address, a Contact, and a scheduled Activity on file in Matrix before they are able to request manager approval to turn the Lead into a Prospect. 

Importing Accounts & Exporting Lists

  • If you have a list of prospects/leads that you would like to import into Matrix you are able to perform that action from the Account List.
  • Utilize the export function, along with the filtering options, to view a list of accounts in Excel.

Note: Let your Manager know if an account is on your list that doesn’t belong there, and they can reassign it so you’re always seeing a clean list of your serviceable accounts.

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