Monarch - Counterpoint - Generating Matrix Import File

You will need one type of report from Counterpoint to populate your Matrix database with financial data.  This report is created from the Task menu located in the Counterpoint system and will be exported into a .csv file format. 

To Pull the necessary Matrix Report(s):

From the Task Menu:

  1. Click on Export
  2. Click on Matrix

Choose the following options:

1. Type the Start Month for the report:

  • If pulling historical billing (initial Matrix setup), type the Start Month as ‘Jan’ or the first desired historical month
  • If pulling current billing, the previous month should already be displayed 

2. Type the Start Year for the report:

  • If pulling historical billing (initial Matrix setup), type the first desired historical year
  • If pulling current billing, the year the previous month is in should already be displayed

3. Type the Number of months for the report:

  • If pulling historical billing (initial Matrix setup), up to 24 months can be pulled in the same file
  • If pulling current billing, 13 should already be displayed

4. Include NTR Revenue: DO NOT check

5. Contract # : DO NOT enter any contract number

6. Save IN:

  • The file generated can be saved to any network location by clicking the Browse button
  • The file is named as ‘MATRIXmmddyyAClientName.txt’
    • MATRIX – hard-coded to begin each file name.
    • mmddyy – date the file is generated.
    • A – the first file to be generated on a particular day. If more than one file is generated on the same day, the letter will be advanced to the next letter in the alphabet to prevent deletion of previous files.
    • Client Name – hard-coded as the CLIENT NAME in Counterpoint.

7. Click Export

Example of Matrix Report

Important Technical Notes

  • Each time the report is run, all new and changed orders entered since the last time it was run will automatically be included.
  • Cash & Trade will automatically be exported in the same file. Please let your Matrix Support Representative know if trade is to be excluded from your Matrix database. 
  • When there are split commissions all data will be reported under the primary salesperson.
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