Utilize List Builder, under the Lists menu, to take action on accounts and contacts that are returned in the list. Often times you need to send follow-up emails to advertisers for a specific campaign or add an activity to accounts or contacts that you are managing through a list. List Builder Mass Actions give you these capabilities, as well as mapping accounts and contacts and tagging accounts and contacts.
When you want to take action from a list of accounts or contacts, find the accounts or contacts that you want to take action on. You can select just a few, or you can select all.
Screen shot of Mass Actions from a Contact's List.
Screen shot of Mass Actions from an Account's List.
1. Select Accounts or Contacts
- Select the desired items in your list by checking the box to the left of the account or contact. You can select as many items as you would like.
- You can also select the select all box at the top of your list to select all accounts or contacts returned to the list.
2. Click Mass Actions
- To take action on your list results, you must have at least one account or contact selected. There are 2 sets of mass actions, one for account lists, and one for contact lists. (Screen Shots Above)
- Select Mass Actions to act on the Contacts/Accounts you selected from your list.