Monarch FAQ - Setting Preferences Overview

The preferences set within your profile allow you to control various notifications and defaults settings. You can access My Profile from the upper-right hand corner of the Monarch interface, by clicking on your User Name and then Profile.

Then clicking the Preferences tab, allows you to determine attributes such as Deal Preferences and various other notifications. 

Setting your Deal Preferences allow you to:

  • Pre-Select which Outlets / Rev Types / Commission %'s auto populate every time you create a new deal
  • Set your Default Deal Office to the option you sell out of more often than not.
  • Decide on the Time-frame that you'd like new deals to default to when created.

You can also determine your notification preferences, such as: 

  • Daily Espresso Shot, which provides reminders/insights into what you've got going on for the day. 

  • Prospect Approval Emails (Only available for Leads users), sends you an email when a manager either approves/denies a Lead request. 

  • Automatically Download Activities to my calendar will pre-select the option to download any new activities.

All changes you make will be automatically saved.

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