Monarch - Zero Billing - Account that is Showing in the Global Search, but Not Showing in the Account List?

When you see an account in the global search but that account does not show up in either the My Account List or the Master Account List, you are seeing what we call a Zero Billing Account.

This is an account that previously had billing on it but then it was removed…whether from a pre-empt or a cancellation.

Matrix is designed to not show zero billing accounts in the account lists but still make them available through the global search function. The only way to see this account listed again in the Account Lists is to have a new order placed on the account and have the billing records imported into Matrix.

Working with a Zero Billing Account:

  • If you need to work with a Zero Billing Account, you can click on the account name when it comes up in the global search and go to its profile page. Once on the profile page, you can add in notes, contacts, activities, deals, etc..

Keywords:  Zero Billing, Global, Search, Account

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