Monarch - Activity Next Steps - Admin Configuration

As a sales team gets better at inputting activities and keeping not only their managers but themselves reminded of what is going on, it’s a good idea to think about what your next step will be as you complete an activity. For some it will be putting together a proposal. Others might be putting an order into traffic. Regardless of the actual action, it’s good to plan and let everyone know what to expect next.

Configuring the Activity Next Steps as an Administrator

It’s up to the Admin within Monarch to define if you wish to use this feature. You can use Monarch without Activity Next Steps, treat the field as entirely optional, or require the field to complete an Activity.

In the example below, you will find the setting within the Activities Options pod on the Admin Settings page as “Enable Next Step feature”. It will default to NO. set to YES and then you can show the “Next Step Requirement status” and set it to Optional (never required) or Required to Complete (must provide a value before an activity can be completed*)

*When the Next Step is required to complete, Monarch will set a system value of No Next Step Defined any time it creates a completed activity. Two common workflows are saving emails to Monarch and the Auto-Close Activities feature. These workflows cause completed activities, and the Next Step value will be set to No Next Step Defined. This can be changed at any time, but you will never be able to select No Next Step Defined as a user as it is not a value user selected value and reserved strictly for system actions.

Once enabled, a new pod will display near the top of the Admin Settings page, “Activity Next Steps” and will contain a “+” button to add Activity Next Steps. This is where you create the selections for Next Steps that will be used by the sales team on their Activities. Simply click + and add a name for each Next Step that you wish to define. We recommend that you keep this list short and meaningful to make it both easier on sellers as well as your reports more succinct. 

Once a new value is added, you can rename or delete it from the gear menu by hovering over each value. Deleting a value will walk your through assigning all activities that previously used this value to a new value.

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