Monarch - Agency List Overview

The Agency List is the place to go to best understand the relationship between your Accounts and Agencies.


To get started, as a Salesperson or a Manager, click on the Agencies link from the left navigation menu.

Most options will exist within the Show Options section, but some are on the page itself.

Group Accounts by Agency and Salesperson – Enable this to see your Accounts grouped under the Agencies they are affiliated with and the Salespeople that are currently managing the relationship. When enabled, this will generally reduce the number of rows on screen while making it easier to see all the business affiliated with a single Agency. It is recommended to use this option when reassigning agencies and accounts.

Display by Market – When enabled, Agencies will additionally display with the market that they reside in. Note that this will generally increase the number of rows on your list but make it easier to see the breadth of business for any given agency.

Display Accounts by the latest Agency only – Accounts change agencies over time, and if you’ve done business with an account for a long period of time you’ve likely got a few different Agencies affiliated with it. This option allows you to only view the Agency List by the latest Agency/Account relationship to better see your current book of business. It is not recommended to use this option when reassigning agencies and accounts.


  • Outlet – Filter your Agency list down to 1 or more specific Outlets.
  • Office – Filter your Agency list down to 1 or more specific Offices.
  • Agency – Search for a specific agency that you wish to see.
  • Market – If the Display by Market option is enabled, then you will be able to select 1 or more markets to filter on the Agency List.
  • Salesperson – Filter the Agency list to 1 or more specific current owners of agencies. (Managers Only)
  • *Account – Search for a specific Account that you wish to see (You will only see this option if Accounts are not grouped under Agencies).

 Layout – Choose from Spacious, Comfortable or Compact views.

 CSV Download – Export your Agency List to a flattened CSV file that respects your filters and settings.

Paging – in order to keep load times at a minimum, paging is implemented where you can move between first/last and previous/next pages.

Understanding the Fields on the Agency List

The following fields can display on the Agency List.

Main Grid Items

  • My List - Your list of Agencies
  • Master List - Check the Master List to see if anyone already owns an Agency that you're thinking of calling on.
  • Agency – The agency representing one or more accounts on the list.
  • Market – The Market that the Agency is currently buying into where the ad will run.
  • Salesperson – The seller managing the relationship with the Agency and Account. (Managers Only)
  • Last Billed – The latest billing month and year for the Agency across all affiliated Accounts.

Sub Grid Items

  • Account – The company that the ad will run.
  • Outlet – The location where the ad will run.
  • Office – The office handling the business (commonly Local or National type offices).
  • Ownership – The amount of time the Salesperson has been working the account with the respective agency.
  • Last Billed – The latest billing month and year for the Account.

Prospect Agencies can now be deleted from the Agency List. Select one or more prospect agencies and the option to Delete will appear at the bottom of the screen. Note that if you select one or more Agencies that have spent with you in the past you will not be able to delete the selection.

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