The Search field is located at the bottom of any page. Searching is the absolute best way to find Accounts and Contacts quickly. Skip the lists! If you know who you are looking for (even if it’s just partial name), search for it. Matrix will look through all Accounts and Contacts that contain the values you’ve typed and will return those results to you in an organized fashion. Of course it always helps to search more specifically to cut down on the results you’ll need to scan so please search responsibly!
2-Search Box: Begin typing in the name of an Account or Contact that you would like to find and then click on the Search icon or click on enter .
3-Search Results Grouping: Displays in results that you can tap on in order to expand or collapse.
4- Search Results: Each individual Account or Contact displays underneath the corresponded expanded group. Tap on an Account or Contact name in order to go to its respective profile page.
Keyword Search: Android, iOS, Mobile, Search, find items on mobile on phone, search on mobile on phone